Penguin Town
Penguin Town is a 2021 Netflix Original documentary television series narrated by Patton Oswalt. It follows a group of endangered penguins in Simon's Town, South Africa as they search for mates, raise their young and interact with other penguins.
I worked with director Andy Mitchell to develop style and tone across the entire series and edit five episodes from over 5,000 hours of raw footage to lock cut.
Editor EP 1,2,4,6,8
Winner : Daytime Emmy “Outstanding Travel, Adventure and Nature Series”,
Winner: Daytime Emmy “Outstanding Cinematography”,
Winner: Daytime Emmy “Outstanding Sound Mixing and Sound Editing”.
Nominee: Daytime Emmy “Outstanding Single Camera Editing”
Nominee: Daytime Emmy “Outstanding Daytime Program Host”
Nominee: Daytime Emmy “Outstanding Music Direction and Composition”
Winner: Wildscreen Panda Award “Best Scripted Narrative”
Nominee: Wildscreen Panda Award “Outstanding Editing”